Are You Really Hungry?

Are You Really Hungry?

How often when you are eating, do you stop to think about why you are eating?

Are you eating because it's ‘time’ to eat? i.e. it’s lunch time or supper time, so you sit down to eat.

Are you reaching for something comforting because you are feeling sad or anxious?

Or something tempting and yummy because you’re bored?

Or something loud and crunchy like crisps when you’re angry? You’ll know what I mean if you’re an angry eater like I am.

15 Natural Ways To Wellbeing

15 Natural Ways To Wellbeing

There are four aspects that comprise your health and wellbeing: your mind, spirit, body, and emotions. And all four of these need to be integrated, balanced and in harmony when seeking optimum health and wellbeing.

There are a number of ways in which you can elevate your health and wellbeing. But remember, while these will enhance your health, they can't create it for you if it doesn’t already exist.

So it’s important to focus on all aspects of you and to make time for yourself as often as you can.

10 Ways to Healthy Eating

10 Ways to Healthy Eating

As you probably know, there is no one size fits all when it comes to food and diet. And by diet, I don’t mean dieting in order to lose weight. I mean diet as in what you consume. This includes what you allow in mentally too, by the way, not just what you put in your mouth, but that’s a topic for another post.

When I was studying my nutrition certification through the Food Matters Institute, they taught us that there are 10 Nutritional Principles we should aim to abide by. I think they’re really useful, and something we would all find useful, and so I’m going to be running through them here. And then I’ll let you know what I believe number 11 should be. So do watch for that one at the end.

The Atkins Diet - Fabulous or Fad?

The Atkins Diet - Fabulous or Fad?

Since Dr Robert Atkins’ book Diet Revolution first appeared in 1972, millions of copies have been sold and millions more people have tried the diet.

According to the home page of the Atkins Australia website we are told that “a low-carb diet is suitable for people who want to lose or maintain their weight and feel healthier and more energetic” (

Sounds perfect right? But what if it’s not?

The Freedom Of Self-Approval

The Freedom Of Self-Approval

Most of us go through life seeking the approval of others. Be it our parents, teachers, friends, partners. We are so afraid of doing what we want to do because we’ve been conditioned to need other people’s approval.

And sure, this probably stems back to the days of our ancestors when to not be approved of and accepted into the tribe meant certain death as you’d be left to fend for yourself against the deadly threats and predators out there.

So you learned to get along, acquiesce to the demands of the group…

Attitudes To Bring To Your Meditation Practice

Attitudes To Bring To Your Meditation Practice

When I was studying for my Meditation Teaching Certification I came across a wonderful book as part of my studies called Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana. If you’re interested in Meditation and Mindfulness and you haven’t read this book yet I highly recommend it.

One of the sections covered in the book is about the attitudes you should bring to each practice of meditation in order to be successful. But I reckon these are great attitudes to bring to everything!