Feeling The Fear...

For the longest time, I was too paralysed by fear to do anything. My website was never good enough, my blog posts not tweaked enough. My... I could go on and on.

So I never launched. I never wrote that book, I never built that course. I spent all of my time doing research, buying courses, improving my skills. Trying to one day be good enough.

Sound familiar?

And then one day, I heard something that changed everything for me. 

And no, it wasn't 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. Pfft. That might work for some, but certainly not for me! No it was, 

drum roll please...

it was that there is nothing wrong with being afraid, it's what you do with your fear that matters.

It was during an episode of Ransom and Eric Beaumont said those words and I sat bolt upright. And a light bulb went off. I've spent so long trying to overcome my fear. My fear of failure. My fear of not being good enough. 

And suddenly I was realising that it is ok to feel fear. It is ok to be afraid. It is NORMAL. Everybody feels it.

But, it's what you do after that, that counts.

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And for you eagle-eyed perfectionists out there, yes I realise they're kind of the same thing. I get that what I'm saying is to feel the fear and then just do it anyway, but a crucial difference here is that hearing that just didn't work for me. 

And that’s the point I’m trying to make. That I heard something and it changed my perspective. Heck it changed my life.

And sometimes you just need to hear something in a different way. Someone else's words. Someone else's experience.

And that is why it is so important to put yourself out there. To feel the fear, accept it as normal, and then to go out there anyway. To write your words for others to read. To say the things that others might need to hear.

Because you just might be the one who says it in just the right way that causes someone else to have that shift, that mind-altering, life-changing shift, that sets them on a crash course with their destiny.

Last updated: 01/01/2021

The fears we don’t face become our limits
— Robin Sharma