Why Can't I Meditate?

Do you sometimes set out with the best of intentions to meditate? You decide you're going to do it, you actually sit down to do it, you take a deep breath and...


Maybe you can't stop fidgeting, or your mind is racing all over the place. You wonder why, this worked fine yesterday. What is so different about today? 


Well, perhaps it's the food you ate that day. Eating foods full of sugar or additives can really impact your body, and thus your meditation. In fact, if your body is struggling to digest what you ate earlier, it can make it really difficult to sit still. Eating a large meal just before meditating can make you feel really sleepy and might make it hard to stay awake.


Alcohol can also have an impact. This slows your body and can make you feel heavy or sleepy. It may make it that much harder to stay awake through your meditation. Caffeine, on the other end of the spectrum, can make it difficult to calm and relax body and mind.

Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise can also make it harder. Doing regular exercise, especially yoga, helps you build the awareness of your body, and develop balance and flexibility. Practising yoga will enable you to sit for longer periods with less pain and discomfort and this can greatly enhance your meditation experience.

Your Emotions

Also, your emotions might have an impact. If you are feeling really emotional it can make it very hard to sit still. Powerful emotions can make you feel restless. Maybe you're feeling really sad, or conversely, on an exhilarated high. Of course, you're going to struggle to get to that place of quiet, stillness and calm.

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So What Can You Do?

So what to do? Well, instead of just giving up, tempting as it might be, perhaps you could try adapting your meditation method to the way you are feeling. If you are restless, then stop trying to force yourself to sit still.

Change your Meditation

Try a moving meditation. Perhaps you could do a walking meditation, practice a bit of Tai Chi, do some chanting. Adapt your meditation to what you are needing right now.

Be Creative

Try doing something creative. Try some painting, write some poetry. Or perhaps catch up on your journaling. All of these involve focussed, mindful states and can be considered meditative. Journaling can also help you process some of those powerful emotions that might be what’s preventing you from being able to just let go of your thoughts.

Avoid Food and Alcohol

Don’t eat just before meditating, or if you do, keep it light. And try to avoid drinking alcohol if you’re about to do a session.


You could try doing something that relaxes you, soothes your soul. Perhaps a nice warm bubble bath, listening to some calming music, playing with your puppy. Or perhaps some light exercise, a yoga session, some gentle stretches. Just relax your body, and your mind will likely follow. And then go back and try again.

Just Keep Going

There is no wrong or right way to do meditation, but the main thing is to keep going. Keep trying. What is most important is maintaining your practice.

Be gentle with yourself, compassionate. And remember, no one style suits everybody, just as no one style will suit you every single day.

Last updated: 19/06/2022

If it weren’t for my mind, my meditation would be excellent
— Ani Pema Chodron