Mindfulness means different things to different people. To some it may seem a little mystical, unfamiliar or perhaps even a little abstract. Or, dare I say it, too woo woo.
Mindfulness is nothing more than a way of being. It's not an object, or thing you try to obtain. It is just the non-judgemental awareness of what is happening in the present moment.
Most people are not fully aware of where they are, or fully awake to what they are doing. Why is that? Well perhaps because most people walk around on automatic pilot.
When you eat, are you watching television or reading a book instead of focussing and enjoying what you are eating? When you walk, are you planning your next meeting or worrying about a conversation you need to have with your teenage daughter that evening? When you are driving, are you replaying word for word that argument you had with your boss earlier, wishing you'd said this instead of that? And when working out, are you planning your day ahead instead of focussing on and being in tune with your body and how you are feeling in that moment?
That is not mindfulness. That is living in the past, or living in the future, but certainly not living in the now. We spend so much time worrying about what has already passed, and stressing about the future, instead of just enjoying what is right now.
Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, without judgement, without evaluation. Just being. Not looking backwards and reflecting on past memories. Not looking forwards and anticipating what your future holds. Just being.
Does it sound too simple? It is simple.
With mindfulness you can become aware and notice all sorts of things, as if for the first time. And that is the beauty of it, you don't need extra time. You don't need to try and slot it into your day. Everything can just stay as it is, and you can let everything be, while you focus your attention and just rest in the awareness of your experience.
You don't need to change your life or any of your daily circumstances in order to practice and benefit from mindfulness.
So what are you waiting for? Give it a go.
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers”